"Love for a Lifetime" with Couples Relationship Coach Cheri Timko

Helping committed couples date their way out of Roommate Syndrome so they can claim the Close, Connected, and Passionate relationship they long for.

Break free from Roommate Syndrome with the guidance of Cheri Timko, Couples Relationship Coach.

Helping committed couples date their way out of Roommate Syndrome so they can claim the Close, Connected, and Passionate relationship they long for.​​

Break free from Roommate Syndrome with the guidance of Cheri Timko, Couples Relationship Coach.
Feeling more like roommates than soulmates? You’re not alone. Welcome to a supportive community where couples like you reignite the spark, rediscover connection, and reclaim the love that brought you together. Let’s turn “Roommate Syndrome” into “Rekindled Romance.”

Are you satisfied with an "okay" relationship?​​

Are you experiencing the joy, closeness, and passion that you want in your relationship?

If you’re not, you are not alone. Most couples struggle with Roommate Syndrome.

Roommate Syndrome is when your relationship resembles two friends living together. You keep the house running and pay all of the bills, but the spark has gone out of your relationship. You might even have sex every now and then, but you do it to check it off the list. There are several problems with being in the middle of your marriage.

Thoughtful couple pondering relationship dynamics with Cheri Timko, Couples Relationship Coach.
Couple experiencing disappointment hurt loneliness and resentment e1717105324243
Despite the many benefits of long-term relationships, most couples struggle with:


What a thriving marriage looks like

What a thriving marriage looks like e1703301199756

Change the course of your relationship starting today!

You are invited to ditch the disappointment in a program designed to revive your relationship once and for all. Now you can rekindle your love through fun.

Get to know Cheri better

Join Cheri and her cohosts on the Happy in the Mess Podcast when they interview her about her work with couples. You’ll learn how she works with couples and some personal tidbits, too.

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Couples Relationship Coach Cheri Timko

Relationship Coach Cheri Timko

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