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The Most Powerful but overlooked Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love Part 3

The Most Powerful (but overlooked) Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love (Part 3) 

By now, you have heard about the benefits of appreciation. If you haven’t yet, read Gratitude and Appreciation to Soften Relationship Irritation parts 1 & 2 or Google “benefits of appreciation.” Appreciation is a powerful way to 1) shift your mood, 2) strengthen your relationships, and 3) change your perspective. You have even tried to change your marriage using […]

The Most Powerful (but overlooked) Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love (Part 3)  Read More »

A Marriage Expert’s Advice to Know When Your Marriage is Heading for Crisis

A Marriage Expert’s Advice to Know When Your Marriage is Heading for Crisis

When you walked down the aisle, you felt hopeful and optimistic. You saw a rosy future stretching before you. Even the things that worried you didn’t seem that bad. The truth about “for better or worse” Every couple knows they will have good times and hard times. Marriage promises ups and downs. Knowing that the

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The Most Powerful but overlooked Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love Part 2

The Most Powerful (but overlooked) Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love (Part 2)

Want to rekindle the love in your marriage? One of the fastest ways to change the course is to practice gratitude and appreciation. The practice curbs frustration and irritability towards your spouse. This leads to more goodwill which makes it easier to solve problems. So, good things all around. I describe how to practice gratitude and appreciation in

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The Most Powerful but overlooked Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love Part 1 1

The Most Powerful (but overlooked) Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love Part 1

I’m sure you know that gratitude is great. But you probably aren’t aware of its ability to transform your relationship. There are two powerful forces that undercut gratitude. 1️⃣ The biology of your brain’s wiring is that you will pay the most attention to negative details. You will notice and fixate on your partner’s mistakes more than

The Most Powerful (but overlooked) Tool Couples Can Use Rekindle Their Love Part 1 Read More »

How You Will Tank Your Next Conversation Before It Even Begins

How You Will Tank Your Next Conversation Before It Even Begins

A Conversation that Starts Harshly is Guaranteed to Derail. A harsh start is when you toss a problem into a conversation like a grenade. You throw it in there hoping your partner will hear it as a plea for help. You want them to apologize and agree to immediately change their behavior. Instead, they feel criticized and start to defend their

How You Will Tank Your Next Conversation Before It Even Begins Read More »

Alternative Ways to Connect with Your Partner that Dont Use Words

Alternative Ways to Connect with Your Partner that Don’t Use Words

The magic numbers are 5:1. John Gottman’s research on couples gives us the best insight on how couples can have a great relationship. He found that couples who have truly great relationships share an average of 5 positive interactions for every 1 negative interaction. Positive interactions include: showing appreciation, kind touch, doing things for each other,

Alternative Ways to Connect with Your Partner that Don’t Use Words Read More »

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